The 17th Joint Working Group (JWG-17) for Implementation Arrangement between the Ministry of Science and Technology (MOST) of China and the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology (MEXT) of Japan for Cooperation in the field of Magnetic Fusion Energy Research and Development and Related Fields was successfully held in Dalian between September 4-5, 2024. Around 30 participants, including government representatives, heads of research institutes, and scientists from China and Japan attended the meeting. The JWG is an intergovernmental bilateral cooperation mechanism, which aims to promote the cooperation, exchanges and scientific research on nuclear fusion between the two countries. It is an annually meeting alternatively hosted by China and Japan as agreed.


ITER Director-General Pietro BARABASCHI and Deputy Director-General LUO Delong visited ITER China and met with the new management team of ITER China—Director-General WANG Yan, Deputy Director-General WANG Min and YAN Xiaohong on September 3, 2024. In-depth discussions and exchanges on issues such as the 2024 baseline update, ITER Project management and project construction.


​ST PAUL-LEZ-DURANCE, France (14 May 2022) – Dr Bernard Bigot, Director-General of the ITER Organization passed away on 14 May 2022 due to illness. An inspirational leader for more than four decades across multiple fields of science and energy, his personal dedication and commitment to ITER over the past seven years shaped every aspect of the project. While his untimely passing will be felt as a tragic blow to the global fusion community, Dr Bigot’s careful design and preparation of the ITER senior management team in recent years gives reassurance of the project’s continued success. His deputy, Dr Eisuke Tada—a widely respected leader in the fusion community and a seasoned veteran from ITER’s earliest days—will take over leadership of the project while the ITER Council launches the search for a long-term successor to Dr Bigot.


  On April 10th. 2021, the ITER Gas Injection System Manifold Manufacture project undertaken by China Nuclear Industry Construction 23 Co., Ltd.(CNI23) has been completed in Huizhou, Guangdong Province, and the last batch of products will be delivered to France in the near future.  Dr. LUO Delong, the Director-General of China International Nuclear Fusion Energy Program Execution Center (ITER China), and relative persons of Institute of Plasma Physics (CAS), CNI23, and Southwestern Institute of


The French Atomic and Alternative Energy Commission (CEA) and the Ministry of Science and Technology of the Peoples Republic of China (MOST) signed on November 23 and 24, 2017 in Beijing the creation of the Franco-Chinese Center on Energy Fusion (SIFFER, SIno-French Fusion Energy centeR).


Sets of plasma-facing finger pairs from CNDA, representative of the ITER Blanket First Wall semi-prototype, performed successfully under high heat flux testing of up to 4.7 MW/m2 for 7500 cycles and 5.9 MW/m2 for 1500 cycles.


China is providing an extensive array of supports and clamps for ITERs superconducting magnet systems in all, more than 1,600 tonnes of equipment


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