The 17th Joint Working Group Meeting for Implementation Arrangement in the Field of Magnetic Fusion Energy Research and Development between China and Japan held in Dalian

      The 17th Joint Working Group (JWG-17) for Implementation Arrangement between the Ministry of Science and Technology (MOST) of China and the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology (MEXT) of Japan for Cooperation in the field of Magnetic Fusion Energy Research and Development and Related Fields was successfully held in Dalian between September 4-5, 2024. Around 30 participants, including government representatives, heads of research institutes, and scientists from China and Japan attended the meeting. The JWG is an intergovernmental bilateral cooperation mechanism, which aims to promote the cooperation, exchanges and scientific research on nuclear fusion between the two countries. It is an annually meeting alternatively hosted by China and Japan as agreed.

      As his opening remarks, Xiaohong Yan, Deputy Director-General of ITER China and head of the Chinese delegation, commended the JWG meeting as an important platform for China and Japan to enhance cooperation and exchanges in fusion energy research and development. He expressed the hope that both China and Japan would achieve more fruitful results and breakthroughs through close cooperation. Daisuke Baba, head of the Japanese delegation and Director of the Division of International Nuclear and Fusion Energy of the Bureau of Research and Development of MEXT, recognized the strong cooperation between China and Japan in nuclear fusion, and expected steady progress in the China-Japan partnership.

      Representatives from both countries shared their respective fusion development planning, progress in fusion research, and implementation of ITER procurement packages at the JWG-17 meeting. Implementation of cooperation projects in FY2023 was reviewed and proposals of cooperation projects for FY2024 were approved. Both delegations expressed the strong will to broaden channels for deeper cooperation, by making full use of the JWG mechanism to achieve mutual benefits and win-win outcomes in nuclear fusion research.

The Chinese and Japanese delegations at 17th JWG Meeting in Dalian, China